
Your Marketing's TONE Must Be Conversational

Stop lecturing and selling like a business.

Start sharing and encouraging like a friend.


Forgettable Vs. Unforgettable Ad

How you can create an ad that attracts the specific patient avatar you enjoy helping most and make it impossible for them to ignore.


Generic Vs. Memorable Ad

How you can showcase everything you offer without sounding like a sleazy salesperson.


An Unusual Way To Become More Comfortable On Camera

Keep an open mind to this proven strategy the world's best writers use that you can use when filming your next video.


What Is Marketing & Why Do You Need It?

All marketing is a one-on-one conversation between you and someone you can help.

About Me

I'm a freelance copywriter and videographer. I exclusively help private practice doctors market their practice by creating storytelling-based videos that combine empathy and education. The videos we create are the most effective way they can attract and build relationships with the patients they're most passionate about serving. These strategies are a behind-the-scenes look into my process. Click here to learn more about what we can create together for your community of patients.